

My role on this project was to help increase engagement and time spent on Proactive celebrity pages. Previous celebrity pages had low rate of return on investment with celebrity promotional content pages. In a simultaneous design effort. The senior creative team started redesigns of current celebrities under contract. While I was tasked with focusing my efforts on elevating the celebrity landing page. Stakeholders made this a priority since the previous landing pages often had broken image links of the celebrities along with tiny thumbnail images with no supporting content pages other than expandable read more hyperlinks.

Browser_window Celeb.png
Browser_window Video.png

my process

My process started with quickly sketching out the button dimensions, hover states, over all layout, ui and other interactivity. I had completed research on the conversion lift that video can give landing pages and used those findings to drive the art direction while keeping all of the technical specs and video delivery formats in mind for development. Also noting which celebrity videos I could use to create the final background looping video since this was an integral piece to achieving a successful outcome. Logging the time-codes from the curated videos helped narrow the over all look of the video so it could move through the approval process quicker since not only legal had to approve but each celebrity themselves had to approve it as well. Putting together a rapid prototype in muse sped up the approval process so stakeholders and product owners could interact with the idea not just visually but interactively.

Tools UsedSketching, Photoshop, After Effects, Muse

Tools Used

Sketching, Photoshop, After Effects, Muse


PA Sketch.png